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Omura Soursop Graviola Guanabana Juice 11 Fl. Oz | PULP

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We are introducing Omura Soursop Graviola Guanabana Juice, a delicious 11 Fl. Oz beverage is made from natural omura soursop pulp.

The experienced taste soursop fruit always approves of the sweetly crisp blend of cherimoya and banana and refreshing-every flavor. We bring a new flavor of our famous Soursop Juice with PULP for a unique experience. Enjoy and refresh yourself with pure juice sources with no preservatives.


  • Package options: 6 Pack | 12 Pack | 24 Pack. 330ml for each carton. 
  • Shake Well Before Use. Since we use all_natural ingredients, they will be affected by the natural settling process. Make sure to shake well before drinking to get the best taste.

our passion for simple products

direct from Mother Nature herself

Omura Products is an exotic tea company offering teas, juices, and seasonings derived directly from nature.

Experience the purity of our products today!

Omura Products was established in Los Angeles, as an exotic tea company to share our passion for the simplicity of ingredients in our products with our customers. We offer exotic teas in tea bags, loose leaf tea leaves, natural fruit juices, and seasonings for your enjoyment and wellbeing. We also harvest them using sustainable farming methods to protect the integrity of our products and the health of the ecosystems in which we operate. Purchase products from an exotic tea company you can trust to put your benefit and enjoyment first. Browse our products here on our website.


All Nature Ingredient

We are committed to only using ingredients derived directly from Mother Nature in all our organic leaf teas to support healthy living and sustainable farming.

Start with

Estamos comprometidos a usar solo ingredientes derivados directamente de la Madre Naturaleza en todos nuestros tés de hojas de guanábana orgánica para apoyar una vida saludable y una agricultura sostenible.

Ingrediente de toda la naturaleza


Shade & Air Dried

Then we process the leaves that will later air dry naturally, with multiple layers of shades are added to the fields during this process, which eventually blocks 90% of the sunlight.


Luego procesamos las hojas de guanábana que luego se secarán al aire de forma natural, con múltiples capas de tonos que se agregan a los campos durante este proceso, lo que eventualmente bloquea el 90% de la luz solar.

Secado a la sombra y al aire


The leaves are ready

Our leaves are air-dried in the desert of California to ensure long shelf life, so you can have them when you need them! We sell our Soursop leaves in various packages from size of 100 leaves (1.7 OZ), which you can purchase in quantities of up to size of 1,000 leaves. (17.5 OZ)


Nuestras hojas se secan al aire en el desierto de California para garantizar una larga vida útil, ¡para que pueda tenerlas cuando las necesite! Vendemos nuestras hojas de Guanábana en varios paquetes desde tamaño de 100 hojas 100 hojas (45g), que puedes adquirir en cantidades de hasta tamaño de 1.000 hojas. (450g)

Las hojas estan listas

A tip how to prepare soursop tea


A quart of water (32 fluid ounces) approx. 15 Soursop whole leaves (0.5 ounces)


First, put the water in a pot and proceed to boil it.

Wash and clean your soursop graviola guanabana leaves and a stem cut into small pieces.

Next, put the leaves in the boiling water and let everything simmer for about 30 minutes.

At least the water is reduced or vaporized in half so that the tea is well concentrated, and this is your signal that tea is ready.

Filter the soursop tea well and let them cool.

Enjoy your soursop tea in the morning, afternoon, and evening with optional honey and lemon.

Hablamos de la Guanábana

La guanábana es una fruta que contiene muchos beneficios, pero muchos no saben que los frutos de sus frutas y las hojas son nutrientes esenciales.

Así se prepara el té de hojas de guanábana


Un litro (33.4 Fl. OZ) de agua 15 Hojas de guanabana. 


Debes poner el agua en una olla y proceder a hervirla.

Ahora toma tus hojas de guanábana y también un tallo cortado en pedazos pequeños.

Coloque las hojas junto a las señales en el agua caliente y deje que todo hierva a fuego lento durante aproximadamente 30 minutos.

Asegúrate de que el agua esté cortada a la mitad para que el té esté bien concentrado, esta es tu señal de que estás listo.

Filtra bien las hojas y deja que se enfríen. Modo de consumo:

Usted debe tomar una taza de este té tres veces al día, en la mañana, en la tarde y en la noche.

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